~ Number of flats: 3 (sounds like last week...I got three flats in two days! I am happy to say, though, that I laughed through it all!) To date, for the month, I have had 6 flats (that's 6 in two weeks!)
~ Number of abosolutely GORGEOUS days: 2!!! It made bike riding the most joyous experience! I loved being on a bike and being outside in that weather. It is Leshelle's favorite type of weather: warm, sunny, with a cool, fresh breeze. Today, however, is hot and storming...not Leshelle's favorite. But, I just keep thinking of the past days.
~ broken bakcpacks: 1 (same day as my double flat)
SuperBike Back!
I was innocently biking in the beautiful weather to our friend, Irma's, house. We turned onto Damen, following a garbage truck (not the most pleasant thing to do). The garbage truck drove over a few bumps, sending loads of nasty liquid onto the road in front of me. But SuperBike saved the day! I was able to avoid the soggy, diaper-moldy, fruity -who knows what else- liquid spewing from the back of the truck. Thank goodness SuperBike is back!
I've experienced a lot of mini miracles this week, such as my Sunday flat (yes, there are enough flats this month to have names). I heard air leaking out of my tire about 3 miles from our destination and 3 1/2 miles from home. I kept thinking, I really hope that's not a flat! Well, we got to our appointment perfectly fine. When we got out of the appointment, I had a serious flat. But, we were only 1/2 mile from home and at the end of our day.
I've had lots of little experiences like that. They've helped me see how Heavenly Father watches out for us more than we realize. I think there are many more of those mini miracles that I don't even see, every single day.
Even when we think we're lost in a tough situation, Heavenly Father is pointing us. It's like in Ether, as the people are pushed about BY THE WAVES to the promised land. I bet in the moment, they thought they were being tossed about aimlessly. But, in a few places in Ether, it speaks of being blown by the winds and waves towards the promised land. A lot of the waves I've experienced lately truly have pushed me closer to the desires of my heart that only Heavenly Father knows, even though I thought I was merely being tossed around at the time.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Chicago Letter #13
STATISTICS for the week:
- Number of flat tires: 3
All three were in the same day, on the same was a terrific day. On the third flat, I stopped, took a breath, laughed, and sat on the curb. I thought to myself "where is this supposed to take me???" My companion laughed as I asked 'What would Dora do?' Calleigh and I watched Dora a time or two, and I thought back to the good ole days. Backpack! That's what Dora would do - she'd go to her backpack and look for something useful. I did just that. Let's see...hmm....a Bible, a Libro de Mormon, and a spare one, writing utensils, a wallet, a water bottle, mints...well, looks like the only useful thing at the moment is a wallet, and I should just go get a new tube for my tire. We did, even though they over charged me big time.
- Number of days that were uncomfortably, ridiculously humid: 8/7
(the 8th day gets spread over the others - that's how bad it is)
- Toe Nail cutting sessions of 100 year old women: 1 - (1 more than enough)
We were visiting a member of our ward, who takes care of her mother. They know she's over 100, but no one knows her exact age or even her birthday. She's a bit crazy, or maybe just childlike (those with children may argue the two are sometimes one in the same...). When we got there, she asked us to cut her toenails. I played the "I'm new and don't speak Spanish" card. My companion, however, did it. Those were some of the nastiest toe nails I've ever seen. What a champ!
- Average speed: SLOW
Turns out the Purple Pedal wasn't all I'd hoped it would be. More of a Purple Pansy if you ask me...It's a kid bike and doesn't go very fast. I pedal and I pedal with all the strength I can summon, and then I get passed by an old guy with a cane. No joke. I keep a steady pace of a really intense power walk. Maybe the slowest jog.
I've decided it is a test of patience. I think I've failed a few times on that test this week. Good thing I don't have a report card...that would be embarrassing. But...
Yep, it's true! I filed a suit against the Purple Pedal for false advertisement, and I won! I took the mutilated corpse of my dear SuperBike to a friend, who said he could help. The previous bike shop would charge me $200. My friend was able to do it for only $67!!!!! He was able to use old parts - wrong color, but that just adds a whole new element of character - and worked all he could to save me some money. How awesome is that?!?!? So...SuperBike is BACK! (well, as of Thrusday, tomorrow) I am so excited!
This week has been one of adventures and lots of challenges. But, all of my experiences have led me to think about a lot of things. In reading the most recent General Conference talks, I came across something that really stuck out to me. "The greatest joy we receive in this life is in following the Savior" - L. Tom Perry. I know that is so true! There is no other way to receive pure joy than by following the Savior. There is simply no other way. There are other types of happiness, but they are not the same joy that we receive as we follow Jesus Christ.
It is not always easy to follow Christ. Sometimes it requires sacrifice. But, according to the definition of sacrifice, we give up something valuable for something more valuable. In other words, it is always worth it. By following Christ, no matter the cost, I have received so much joy - the kind that cannot be explained, but only experienced. When we truly desire to follow Christ, we can! No matter how hard it is: "It is our actions and our desires that cause us to become something" as Dallin H. Oaks said. These types of things don't usually happen overnight. They take time, and effort, and sometimes pain along the way. When we trust Him, he leads us through all of it - even if we can't see the steps in front of us.
Trust Him. Follow Him. Then experience the joy
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Chicago Letter #12
Chicago Headlines:
Memorial services for SuperBike will be held on Friday, the 15th of July 2011. They will be held in the alley, next to the dumpster of 3455 W. Parker. SuperBike will be missed, and the city of Chicago will never be the same (because I have to ride a little dinky PurplePedal from now on...I'll survive). SuperBike suffered and squeaked - and looks as though it was hit by an SUV...I hope that the PurplePedal will serve Chicago as the timeless hero, SuperBike has.
~Number of semis stuck under an overpass: 1 (one was enough - the driver got the whole cab and about 6 feet of his trailer stuck really well. The street was blocked off, with all sorts of officers and equipment - thank goodness bikes could still get through)
~ Hottest day: 96 degrees, or the day with 93 degrees and 60% humidity...yuck
~Number of trees that fell down in Chicago as a result of a ten minute storm: I can't count them all, there were too many. However...
~ Number of cars crunched in front of our apartment by one part of a tree: 3 (glad I don't have a car)
~ Most miles in one day: 16
~ Longest one way trip: 7.5 miles (on the day with 60% humidity and 93 degrees...I won't comment any more on that because I don't want to remember it)
My companion read me a quote from a General Conference talk this week. Elder Ballard quoted a woman in his talk, and she said: "I wish I had treasured the 'doing' a little bit more, and the 'getting it done' a little bit less."
I have thought a lot about that in the past week. It covers thoughts I have had for more than the past week, and feelings I've had for a long time. I don't want to look back on my life and feel that way. I don't want to look back on my mission and wish I had lived it more. At times, it's hard when I'm sweaty, hot, tired, sore, and hungry to enjoy what I am doing. But, at the end of the day, I cool off, relax, and eat, and then what do I have left? I have memories. Are they happy ones? Did I laugh at the crazy things that happened? Or, are they bitter memories? Empty ones?
We are not going to control our lives completely. However, we will control what we get out of life - on the small scale and large scale. Whether we're talking about what we get out of today, or what we get out of the past decade, it really is up to us. We can choose to love life and live where we are. Or, we can focus on the past or the future, sacrificing the experience of small, daily treasures.
I thought of Mosiah 3:19. I love that scripture for so many reasons. Today, it took on something different. Mosiah 3:19 speaks of becoming as a child: being humble and submissive. Something else kids are really good at is living. They live. They love. They enjoy. They experience. They live the ups and downs to the fullest, and keep the ups. I want to be more childlike in that way - so that when I look back on this day, this month, this mission, this year, this life, I can say I lived life. I can say, look at all I've taken from this. Look at all the wonderful things I experienced. I want to live life so that I look back and smile.
Don't miss out on the small things. Live every day. Experience every day.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Chicago Letter #11
The day after I last wrote, we had the CRAZIEST hail I have ever experienced. I later learned that our area got the lesser part of the storm. The next day, I saw cars with dents all over them. They were in the worse part, down further south in the city city. It was miraculous. It came out of nowhere. One minute, we were sweating, just walking in the shade. Ten minutes later, the sky turns black and golf-balls of hail rocket to the ground. They were bouncing a good 6 inches to a foot off the ground. They hit so hard. And they were HUGE. It lasted about ten minutes - strait hail. It was so loud. Fortunately, our church building is raised above ground, and the parking lot is beneath it. So, we stayed in the parking lot and just watched with my jaw dropping. I assumed it was not unheard of in Chicago. Yet, the woman we were with told me that in her whole life (23 years) in Chicago, she has never seen something like that. It was amazing. It makes me think of how small we really are, and that we are not the ones in control.
Speaking of loud are some fun stats
- Number of days this week fireworks were going off: 7 It must be 4th of July or something...
Here in Chicago, the (well I think they're legal) legitimate fireworks aren't illegal like they are in CA (everything fire-related is illegal out there, though). So, fireworks - the big ones that go down in a show - were going off this entire month. As we got closer to the 4th, they became more frequent. The night of the 3rd, they were going off so much and with such power/noise, that they set off several car alarms. Fireworks + Car alarms = not sleeping well. So you'd think. When I ride a bike several miles a day, I sleep through anything now days.
- Number of times someone told me I look exaclty like their niece: 2 (both were Puerto Rican - apparently I look like Puerto Rican women named Estrella and Olga)
- Number of Proposals: 0 YAY! (My father gave me some good advice for next time I receive one - I'll just tell them my batting average...that should do it.)
- average miles biked per day: 7.5
- most miles biked in one day: 15! My legs are rocks! They haven't been like that since I was catching on my high school softball team!
I'll be honest, SuperBike and I are kind of getting over a fight. Everytime SuperBike is around, I have to bike somewhere in the heat. So, I don't want to talk about SuperBike. Don't worry - it's still Super. My attitude isn't though... :)
I know I talked about these things last week; but, I am going to talk about them again. Sometimes I look around me and think the world is coming to an end, because things in it are so horrible. However, despite the madness, and the awful status of some things in the world, I don't fear. I've been reading through Ether and thinking about the paralells around me. I got to something that hit me really powerfully: Ether 12:4
"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of god, which hope, cometh of faith, maketh and anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."
Ether just finished telling of the AWFUL things going on around him. He was alone, in so many ways. Yet, he can say that! Here in Chicago, it seems to me that what sticks out everyday is all that is awful, crude, animal, disgusting. It sticks out without looking for it. I kept thinking of it as I read Ether.
I - with a surety - hope for a better world, even at the right hand of God. My soul is anchored by hope and faith. I will be steadfast and sure, abounding in good works, glorifying God. I know where my roots are and what they hold me to.
I'm not the only one that can say that. You can too. Read Ether 12:9
-Hermana Hoer
Speaking of loud are some fun stats
- Number of days this week fireworks were going off: 7 It must be 4th of July or something...
Here in Chicago, the (well I think they're legal) legitimate fireworks aren't illegal like they are in CA (everything fire-related is illegal out there, though). So, fireworks - the big ones that go down in a show - were going off this entire month. As we got closer to the 4th, they became more frequent. The night of the 3rd, they were going off so much and with such power/noise, that they set off several car alarms. Fireworks + Car alarms = not sleeping well. So you'd think. When I ride a bike several miles a day, I sleep through anything now days.
- Number of times someone told me I look exaclty like their niece: 2 (both were Puerto Rican - apparently I look like Puerto Rican women named Estrella and Olga)
- Number of Proposals: 0 YAY! (My father gave me some good advice for next time I receive one - I'll just tell them my batting average...that should do it.)
- average miles biked per day: 7.5
- most miles biked in one day: 15! My legs are rocks! They haven't been like that since I was catching on my high school softball team!
I'll be honest, SuperBike and I are kind of getting over a fight. Everytime SuperBike is around, I have to bike somewhere in the heat. So, I don't want to talk about SuperBike. Don't worry - it's still Super. My attitude isn't though... :)
I know I talked about these things last week; but, I am going to talk about them again. Sometimes I look around me and think the world is coming to an end, because things in it are so horrible. However, despite the madness, and the awful status of some things in the world, I don't fear. I've been reading through Ether and thinking about the paralells around me. I got to something that hit me really powerfully: Ether 12:4
"Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of god, which hope, cometh of faith, maketh and anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."
Ether just finished telling of the AWFUL things going on around him. He was alone, in so many ways. Yet, he can say that! Here in Chicago, it seems to me that what sticks out everyday is all that is awful, crude, animal, disgusting. It sticks out without looking for it. I kept thinking of it as I read Ether.
I - with a surety - hope for a better world, even at the right hand of God. My soul is anchored by hope and faith. I will be steadfast and sure, abounding in good works, glorifying God. I know where my roots are and what they hold me to.
I'm not the only one that can say that. You can too. Read Ether 12:9
-Hermana Hoer
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