Monday, May 7, 2012

Woodstock Letter #6

Hermana Hoer

As I was reading in Alma chapter 19, I had a really interesting ponder moment/realization/whatever you want to call it. King Lamoni "fell". His fall was spiritual and physical, and not the point I intend to make. What struck me most was not his fall, but the circumstances surrounding when he got up from that "fall".

He got up stronger than he was when he fell. He got up with a stronger testimony, more confidence, more conviction, more surety, and with more joy than ever before.


Christ, too, "fell down" in His own way. He went beneath all things in order to rise above all things. Now, Christ's "going down" was much different than King Lamoni, or any of ours. However, the concept is the same. We may fall or go down for many reasons: because of the actions of others; because of our own mistakes; because we are helping another person; because life just took that turn. Whatever the cause may be, it doesn't matter. Satan wants us to focus on the falling down more than anything else because he has discovered what I have uncovered: there is beauty in getting back up; and if we focus so much on how we got down in the first place, we will miss the full potential and miracle of being lifted up once more. 

"...and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father" ~3Nephi 27:14

Let Christ lift us, and we will rise stronger and happier. Don't give up. Let  Him lift you up, no matter where you currently are. Maybe you haven't fallen at all. Christ can still lift you. If you've fallen, let Him lift you. If you've accomplished much on your own, let Him lift you. If you're in a tight spot, let Him lift you. If you're in a great place, let Him lift you higher. But, if you are in a "down" not think that you are out of hope. Being "down" simply means that you have upwards to go - with Christ! Do not think you are stuck. Do not think you HAVE to stay "down". Do not think that your case is hopeless, because Christ Himself said that "mine arm of mercy is extended towards you (3 N ephi 9:14). You are NEVER out of His reach. You are NEVER out of the reach of the hope He offers.

He will raise you up stronger, with increased faith, more sure, more secure, and more full of joy.
Just think: all that started with "falling down".

I share this not to encourage falling down.  My intention is, however, to encourage getting up in the right direction, with the right help, in order that we get up on a higher plain than we fell from.  His grace is sufficient. No conditions. No "if...". No "and...". No "but...". No exceptions. HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! Thank you Leshelle. I miss and love you more than you will ever know.
