Most meals in one day: 3 (in only 6 hours)
Number of times we came out of a meeting to find half of my companion's bike gone: 1 - once was enough.
A member of our Bishopric told me at church on Sunday that I am his favorite missionary because I am his height. Though, if we're being honest I think I am taller than him...believe it or not!
Sometimes it is really quite difficult to stay motivated. It's hard to get on a bike every day, ride miles to try to find someone who isn't home...or someone who doesn't want to be found. Not just missions are hard, though. Life is.
I see a pattern in the tough times. They are only tough when I make them tough. There will always be difficult situations. But, that doesn't mean we have to have tough times in life. If we take the difficult situations and learn to laugh, they won't become tough times. If we learn to trust Heavenly Father - really let go and trust Him - we'll see the beauty in even the difficult. That's when we can grow. That's when He can bless us.
My goal for this week is to laugh. Enjoy every day. Look for the good. Laugh at the awkward. Smile at the unkind. When the difficult situations arise, I'm going to keep trying to do my best rather than focus on how hard it is. Make the same goal. Let me know how it goes!
Have a great week!
~Hermana Hoer
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