Monday, February 28, 2011

MTC Letter #1

Kaniesha at the MTC saying "good-bye" to her older (shorter) sister... Stan & Carolyn Saying Good-bye to Leshelle at the MTC

I heard a great joke today: Q: Why were the elders not able to eat dinner??? A: Because Moroni hid the plates!!! How is that for the beginning of a missionary blog? The MTC is a whole new world! I love it here. In just six or so days, I have had so many experiences. It seems as though I have been here for a month already. My companion is amazing! She is so quirky and fun. Hermana Delis from Washington D.C. We are the perfect matchup; we complement each other in every way it seems. We teach well together and we share a very deep love for Christ and His Gospel. One of my teachers, Hermano Keeton, is the closest thing to a clone of my brother in law, Trent. So, I feel right at home with the people I am surrounded by each day. I've become the District mom (unofficially of course). I feel as though the elders are my little brothers. I've gotten in serious trouble twice now for clearing my own tray after a meal...they always take the trays for the Hermanas. They are great. We've got 6 Elders and 4 Hermanas in our District, which is pretty big. We already feel like a little family, watching out for one another. The first day here we were in a teaching situation. I choked. Big time. So I firmly decided that in the next rotation I was not going to participate. I would just keep my mouth shut. companion suggested that we begin with a prayer to invite the Spirit. She volunteered me! Long story short, I learned something very clearly. After praying (which required some serious humbling along the way), I opened my heart and shared an incredible message with this woman. She was so receptive to what I said that she asked questions and began a really neat conversation with me. Lesson learned: Leshelle - I mean Hermana Hoer - get over yourself! Otherwise, honey, you aren't getting ANYTHING done! Spanish has come back to me so quickly. It is incredible. I love it. I only pray in Spanish since day one. I love the Spanish language! It is so much fun to learn and use. We're supposed to speak Spanish as much as possible. I've been shocked by what I am able to say and communicate. On my third day, I acted as the investigator for some elders. They taught me for about 30 minutes in only Spanish. I understood and conversed! How incredible!!! I have found that, even if my Spanish is lacking, the message can still be understood. It is a beautiful thing to see personally. Sister Ann Dibb spoke in Relief Society yesterday. Stephen Allen of the Missionary Department was the Sunday Fireside speaker. both were perfect messages for the experiences I've had these last few days. It's tough, but it is amazing. It is the kind of tough experience which refines and encourages growth. At the end of every day, no matter how tough it was, I feel so sure that this is what life is about. This Church is incredible. This message of Christ is more powerful and more important than anything I have ever known. Thank you for all of your prayers. I truly can feel an extra help in my life here. -Hermana Hoer